No rushed appointments, just plenty of personalized time with Dr. Pickrell.
Dr. Pickrell has 28 years of experience diagnosing and treating rheumatic diseases.
High levels of service, reasonable prices, and no insurance.
We take pride in making real connections with people and giving medicine a personal touch.
Finding a doctor that you can trust to understand your symptoms, diagnosis you pain, and provide you with the level of service that you need is hard. Dr. Pickrell understands that, and has modeled his practice on the belief that solid patient relationships are the foundation for providing you with the care that you deserve.
You will be an integral part of your medical decisions, and Dr. Pickrell will provide advice, counseling, and personalized treatment to get you on a path to feeling better.
Dr. Pickrell believes that humor is an important part of establishing a relationship and relieving some of the stress that comes with auto-immune disease and related conditions. If you liked Andy Griffith or Marcus Welby, you should know just what to expect. And if you’re a bit too young for those references, then Jimmy Fallon and Ellen DeGeneres are good examples.
Humor with professionalism, a great doctor-patient relationship, and deep experience in addressing the complexity of rheumatic diseases.
We offer a full range of rheumatology services.
Dr. Pickrell is not accepting insurance. As a boutique medical practice, all fees are paid directly by the patient.
Monday | 8am - 6pm |
Tuesday | 8am - 6pm |
Thursday | 8am - 6pm |
Friday | 8am - 6pm |